Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Hip rehab - 8 months post-op

I've been having some problems with stiffness in my hip the last couple of weeks and Amir is away so I've seen Michael a few times. Physically the hip reconstruction part is fine, but I think my body has been so used to leaning on the "good" leg for such a long time, that now it's hard to go back to level. I'll be standing there talking to somebody and suddenly realise I'm leaning to one side, so I try to balance out and five minutes later, I'm leaning again.

There's a spot in my lower back on the "good" side that wasn't painful at all, until Michael started working away at it and I was almost in tears. Apparently it's called the psoas muscle. If you can visualise, it was like that part of my back had locked up and was causing my spine to bend, so all the pain was on the other side, around the reconstructed hip. But it wasn't really the hip causing the problem at all.

Good time to visit Peninsula Hot Springs with the family for the Australia Day long weekend!

