Monday, 27 May 2024

Coastrek 2024 bucket list challenge completed! ✔

Six months of training + fundraising while completing a Masters degree were almost thwarted by a +Covid test less than 2 weeks before the event, but team "Are We There Yet?" made it! Thanks to everyone who has supported me/us on our journey. ❤

An awesome day of walking, chatting & fundraising for Heart Foundation supporting research for heart disease, specifically for women. Apparently most previous research has been done on men, and heart disease impacts women differently so more research is needed.

Tally Day is this Sunday 2 June so there is still time to donate!

Donate to Nicky 

Donate to team "Are We There Yet" 


Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Gen AI vs Human content

It's getting really easy to pick out generative-AI-created content, vs content with a human touch. I'm just setting out on a new job search post-study and some of the job ads I'm seeing are blatantly AI-generated. Some of the marketing material out there is so cookie-cutter that I have to question if these organisations are considering the unintended message they are sending, when the content they are pushing out isn't actually demonstrating that organisation's point of difference. 

In the comment of this post the author has written the "ultimate email" which sums it up perfectly:

"I hope this email finds you well. Ready to delve into the realm of transformative writing?

Imagine embarking on a journey to not just navigate but also revolutionize the landscape of communication. In the world of writing, we're thrilled to harness AI and human insight, unveiling a tapestry of dynamic narratives. It's all about utilizing this blend to elevate our stories, ensuring they're not only multifaceted but also intrinsically relatable.

Dive into this game-changer, foster a curious spirit, and voilà, discover the ultimate power to supercharge your writing 🚀. Got questions? Remember, it's daunting yet exciting to unlock this secret source, akin to embarking on a journey that's insightful and conducive to revolutionizing how we connect.

Embrace this opportunity, and let's embark together on this transformative adventure."

 This was first published on LinkedIn

