Friday, 29 December 2017

Recommended Read: Your Mother’s Maiden Name Is Not a Secret

You know all those "fun" quizzes asking for personal data? Often, they're attempts to guess your security passwords. Read this:

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Recommended Read: All Tech Is Human

Important, but often forgotten in the drive to create something new and cutting edge. Google Glass and Segway failed because they forgot about humans. 

"But what about the societal implications of the new app, delivery service, or social network? In other words, we need to also think about the problems that stem from our solutions."

Sunday, 17 December 2017

New responsive template

Pathetically for someone who does websites professionally - I've finally updated this blog with a responsive template. That would be... about 5 years since I started doing responsive sites for customers! Partly that's because this is the only site I run in Blogger, and Blogger templates are mostly nasty things.

Anyway, now that it works a bit better on my phone (in a browser because Google's Android Blogger app is still complete shite in 2017), maybe I'll post a bit more.

I've also now got a "public figure" Facebook page, here.

Build your personal brand with a Facebook "Public figure" page

OK, so based on THIS (and a conference I attended earlier in the year):

I've created THIS: 

where I'm apparently trying to do THIS:

"Use a public figure page (which differs from your personal profile) to share professional stories that help people get to know you as a businessperson, not as a friend."

I personally think calling myself a "Public figure" is quite hilarious, but OK, I'll play... 🤔😨😵🤔🤔🤔


Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Interview with the JoomlaBeat Podcast

This week I was interviewed by Pete Bui of the JoomlaBeat Podcast, about my recent visit to the Joomla World Conference 2017 in Rome.


Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Joomla Community Magazine Dec 2017

I've been published in the December 2017 issue of the #Joomla Community magazine 😁


Wednesday, 29 November 2017

My recent visit to the #Joomla World Conference #JWC17

Reposted from the WebSolutionZ's Blog: My recent visit to the #Joomla World Conference #JWC17.


Saturday, 8 July 2017

Joomla Community Magazine Jul 2017

My first contribution to the Joomla! Community Magazine #joomla : JoomlaDay Australia 2017 Recap


Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Fixing Photoshop Miniscule Menu Problem on High DPI Display

Last year I got a brand new Microsoft Surface Book laptop. It's a thing of beauty and I love it.

However, the high resolution screen (3000x2000) caused some problems with my non-CC version of Photoshop. It installed, sure - but the menus and dialog boxes were so small I couldn't actually read them.

Of course, Adobe's recommendation is to upgrade to CC, which I refuse to do on account of already paying a LOT of money for the entire Master Collection a few years ago, which does everything I need it to do and way, way more.

Anyway, I found this solution via Dan Antonielli which works perfectly:

Thanks Dan! I can see again!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Joomla! User Group Melbourne

Last night I hosted my first ever Joomla! User Group meeting. For those who have known me a long time, public speaking in front of strangers is not my thing - I'm a lifelong introvert, which is why I'm trying to get better at it now.

I love the fact my kids are taught and encouraged to do this at school; they're already far more confident than I ever was - we never had any focus on public speaking at school, at all. 

I've managed to put on a confident face and bluff my way through ever since, and many people who I've met in recent times have no idea of the fear this used to inspire.

I'm only mildly horrified watching myself on this video, so I guess that's a win and things can only get better! Next month I'm standing up and doing a presentation! Not daunted, not daunted at all... #okalittledaunted #butanyway #introvert 😬😂

