Thursday, 30 January 2020

A new website for the Joomla Australia community

I'm very proud to announce the new Joomla Australia website, a project I was the Project Manager for. 

In recent years the local Australian Joomla User Groups (JUGs) have joined forces and rebranded to a nationally focussed Joomla Australia

During JoomlaDayAu 2019 in Brisbane, talk turned to the Joomla Australia website which hadn't been revamped in several years, and a decision was made to form a committee to plan a new site. 

The committee was made up of JUG members/organisers in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. A truly national undertaking! On 24 August 2019 we held our first meeting via Skype, to discuss requirements and make a plan, with a goal to launch by 30 January 2020. 

The project was a success and was launched on time - an extraordinary effort, considering the project was conducted 100% online, and entirely by volunteers from different timezones, with Christmas and summer holidays in the middle. 

Read more about our project:
