Saturday, 23 October 2021

What Facebook knew about how it radicalized users

Facebook staffers created a Trump-loving, Fox News-watching fake identity. 

The account went wherever the algorithm told it to go. 

It went full-on QAnon in two days. 

Facebook told nobody about this.


Friday, 22 October 2021

Hooray, we're FINALLY out of lockdown!

Melbourne has officially emerged from the longest cumulative lockdown in the world - 262 days, or nearly nine months.

Last week, my brother asked if I was happy about lockdown finally ending and I couldn't even feel enthusiastic. It's been so exhausting that it was hard to envisage what no lockdown would look like, or believe that it is actually going to be the last one (this was our 6th).

This week, Victoria hit the vaccine target of 70% of the population fully vaccinated, and 90% with the first dose. This triggered the end of some restrictions. In all, Australia has seen less than 1500 deaths for the total pandemic, so the majority of Australians (despite what you might have seen in the news) have viewed these restrictions as well worthwhile.

Last night, I saw a plane fly over and that was so unusual people were stopping and looking up at it. I hadn't realised I hadn't seen a plane for ages until I saw that.

This morning, I went for an appointment and the cafes are allowed to open with people allowed to sit down, the local nail salon is full, and the local barber is totally full with a line out the door. And everyone is smiling.

At times it's felt like one of those apocalypse movies where only a few people had survived and they're wandering the streets as rubbish and twigs are blown around in the wind. Today, the sun is shining, summer is coming and things are looking up. Hope everyone is well.


Thursday, 7 October 2021

A lot of stuff on LinkedIn is "low quality content"

In news that surprises nobody who has spent any time on LinkedIn:  

"A report from Edelman shows that the pandemic has triggered a ‘tsunami’ of b2b thought-leadership content, but ‘less than half’ of it is ‘valuable’."  

Read the full report here

