Monday, 29 October 2012

Santiago, Chile

Lunchtime view from the W Hotel, Santiago.

If you're interested, you can view all of my travel pics here on Facebook.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Buenos Aires, Argentina

I've had to post these after the fact because the free wi-fi wasn't so great in Buenos Aires... enjoy :)

This is Evita Peron's grave at La Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires. Amazing place.

If you're interested, you can view all of my travel pics here on Facebook.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Iguazu Falls

View from my hotel Iguazu Falls

If you're interested, you can view all of my travel pics here on Facebook.

I've also uploaded several videos here on YouTube.


Sunday, 21 October 2012


Another benefit of #rio - cheap #Havaianas for the kiddies!

If you're interested, you can view all of my travel pics here on Facebook.

Ipanema Hippie Fair, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Sunday morning at the Ipanema Hippie Fair

If you're interested, you can view all of my travel pics here on Facebook.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Friday, 19 October 2012

Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Friday afternoon, coffee & cake in a cafe at Ipanema Beach, watching the world go by ♥

If you're interested, you can view all of my travel pics here on Facebook.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Inca Trail & Machu Picchu, Peru

Made it!!!! Hardest thing I've ever done in my life!

If you're interested, you can view all of my travel pics here on Facebook.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Cusco - city & surrounds tour

Photo courtesy of
9pm Friday 12/10, Cusco, Peru.
Most amusing thing I saw today - in the Cusco Cathedral, a massive 17th century painting depicting the Last Supper, supper consisting of a roasted Guinea Pig (the size of a cat) lying on its back in the middle of the table. Unfortunately no cameras allowed but I found this link online! :-)

Also saw lots of cool Incan buildings & walls, from the 14th or 15th century. Very clever bunch of people. It's a shame what happened to them. Photos when I get home as I took them with a camera, not my phone.

Tomorrow I head off on day 1 of the Inca Trail trek. Excited and a bit nervous. I really hope I'm not the oldest, slowest, most-likely-to-have-a-heart-attack!

If you're interested, you can view all of my travel pics here on Facebook.

Friday, 12 October 2012


Oh no! #alpaca #menu #Peru #Illhavethevegetarianpastathanks

If you're interested, you can view all of my travel pics here on Facebook.

Cusco, Peru

5pm Thursday 11/10, Cusco, Peru. Arrived in Cusco about 4 hours ago and I'm now starting to understand what it feels like to be affected by altitude. According to my trusty Lonely Planet, I'm 3326m above sea level, and lack of oxygen generally affects people once you hit 2500m. Even when I came off the plane into the baggage area, my head felt a bit like you do on the first day of a head cold. Four hours later and it's more intense, and I'm feeling light-headed and headache-y and a bit short of breath, which is apparently all normal. I'm onto my 3rd mate de coca, or coca tea, which is made from coca leaves and smells somewhat like dirty socks (and doesn't taste too flash either). And I'm resting watching TV, the only English-speaking channel I can find - CNN Internacional - which is entirely people arguing over the US presidential election *yawn*  Hopefully this acclimatising thing happens quickly!

PS: this is funny - I got chatting to 2 guys while waiting in line to check in at Lima airport, who live in Melbourne, in the suburb next to mine. Small world :-)

PPS: The pics are the hotel I'm staying at - beautiful!

If you're interested, you can view all of my travel pics here on Facebook.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

South America - Lima

8pm Wednesday 10/10, Lima, Peru.

Much as I want to love every part of South America, Lima presents a challenge. There are about 9 million people, so it's more than twice as big as Melbourne or Sydney. And it's located on a relatively narrow strip of land wedged between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes, which somehow creates a state of perpetual fog, and no rain. It's just... bleak. Overcast, barely anything green, dirty and very, very crowded.

Having said that, the people are fantastic. Going through Customs was amazingly simple, and friendly (unlike some places I've been where they terrorise you purely for their own amusement - yes, I'm looking at you, LAX), and efficient (now I'm looking at you, Melbourne baggage handlers). The trip from the airport was eye-opening to say the least, but the hotel I stayed in was lovely and the food was great.

Some things I've learned so far:
  • Airline boarding & flight times in South America appear to be more "suggested guideline" than "set in stone".
  • Ditto for lanes & lines on the road.
  • Do not attempt to drive a car in Lima unless you are prepared to blare the horn at least once every 5 minutes.
  • It's almost entirely possible that I am currently the tallest woman on this entire continent.

