Sometime last century (not even kidding, it was before I met my husband), I fell in love with a pattern for a 3D tumbling blocks cot blanket and decided to make a doona/duvet cover from the pattern. Measured it all up to the right size, created templates, bought all the fabric, cut all the pieces out and started sewing. And then... stopped. Husband, children, work, study, travel etc = no time for sewing.
Last year during lockdown I found the bag and decided to finally finish it. I couldn't work out why I'd stopped last time, until I unrolled it and immediately remembered - I didn't like some of the colour combos I had for blue, indigo and violet, and I'd made a couple of mistakes, so I'd put it aside at the time to find better options and never did.
The next challenge was lockdown because all the shops here were closed. Luckily the internet was invented so I got online and found better colours, then unpicked the mistakes and redid them.
Finally finished! Half of it is older than my children! Better late than never! We can have the dining table back now 🤣🎉🌈😍
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