Tuesday 1 December 2015

Adobe CS5 Update Fails

I've just finished re-installing all the software on my new PC, including my trusty version of Adobe Master Collection CS5, and the Adobe Application Manager popped up and suggested a bunch of updates, so I clicked OK. After downloading said updates, I then got this:

Adobe Bridge CS5 4.0.5 Update
  There was an error downloading this update. Please quit and try again later.

  Adobe Extension Manager CS5 5.0 Update
  There was an error downloading this update. Please quit and try again later.

  Adobe Illustrator CS5 15.0.2 Update
  There was an error downloading this update. Please quit and try again later.


After Googling I found this link, which initially suggests CS5 is too old for Adobe to support! http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1464527

What Adobe really means is, we want you to upgrade to our cloud version software, where you then must pay us annually for the privilege of using software that you currently already own outright. Seriously Adobe, f*** you.

Anyway... the suggested fix on that page, in case it ever disappears into the Adobe Ether, is this:
  1. Visit the Adobe "Other" Downloads page, here: http://www.adobe.com/downloads/other-downloads.html
  2. Click on "Adobe Application Manager" to upgrade it.
  3. Open Photoshop and click on Help / Updates.
This succeeded in updating about 8 of the Master Collection CS5 apps, but did not update 5 including Illustrator, Fireworks, Extension Manager, After Effects and Flash Pro.

After another 1/2 hour of fiddling around, I finally resorted to manual downloads of updates for these products, from here http://www.adobe.com/downloads/updates.html#all-products. Which took another 1.5 hours.

I've loved Photoshop for years but Adobe, you now Officially. Suck.

**Update January 2021: You can now update Adobe Application Manager, and once that's done CS5 updates should work. Details can be found here https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop/error-when-trying-to-update-adobe-cs5/td-p/9419295. **



  1. Thank you. Saved me a lot of time. I just cannot get to the point where I want to spend so much money EACH MONTH to occasionally use an Adobe product. Besides, CS5 still works great with my Windows 7 machine, for the little I do. And CS5 was not cheap to begin with. This should keep me going until they introduce an update that cripples these products. (Yes, I would not put it past them to cripple old products just to get people to update.)

  2. More on your update; I installed the Application Manager above as you suggested. Whatever is there now deleted my Application manager and installed a Creative Cloud update, and tells me I have no applications installed. It seems that they no longer want to update anything. So I am off to do this all by hand. May want to add a note here NOT to update the Application Manager anymore, as it deletes the last version. Sigh.

  3. Last update. Feel free to merge all three of my messages into one response.

    Seems if you launch each app, and then do an UPDATES... from the HELP menu, each app will still launch its own Application Manager and seems to successfully update almost everything. Extension Manager and Illustrator still have issues however.

    Thanks again.

  4. Thanks rubin, appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback, and glad it worked out (sort of) for you! :)

  5. This solution worked for me!! I just wanted to tell you thank you!!!

  6. thanks Nicky - after trowling forums and adobe 'help' I finally found the answer on your page. Thanks for posting it :)

  7. I have CS5 on DVD and I have a serial number, but the adobe update tool keeps sending this message when trying to update photoshop and indesign ~ There was an error downloading this update. Please quit and try again later.

    1. Hey there, I had this issue too! Had to update the update tool - details here https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop/error-when-trying-to-update-adobe-cs5/td-p/9419295


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